How to get your home sold quickly

So far we’ve covered the first three steps our “How to get your home sold quickly” series : you’ve gotten it staged, priced it appropriately and made some minor cosmetic fixes. The fourth thing you need to do:


  1. Do not bother with Inspections:

This is a touchy area and here is why. Every inspector will find something ‘wrong’ with your home. This is normal. Everything that is found during an inspection, though, whether small or large needs to be disclosed to any buyer.  Keep in mind, anything you have knowledge of that a buyer would consider material in their decision making process needs to be brought to their attention. You might as well not bother with getting an inspection because any buyer during their due diligence period will discover the details about your home via inspections anyway. Why waste money ‘fixing’ these problems in advance of the sale if the buyer’s inspector might mind fault with the way it was repaired and ask for it to be redone?  At this stage of the game, it’s better to put your home on the market “as is” and deal with the findings of the buyer’s inspections once you are in escrow.

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