I had the pleasure yesterday of being invited to the new Griffin Club (formerly the Beverly Hills Country Club and a few other names even before that) on Motor in Cheviot Hills. My wife and I had a private tour of the grounds and with maps in hand, were able to envision how a 15+ million dollar renovation will look ten months from now when construction is complete. The club as how it had been for many years was always kitchy and fun. The 80’s colored paint was a little bit peeling in areas, the food hadn’t been updated in awhile, the deck chairs and umbrellas weren’t all that attractive. But, for many of us residents and club members- that place was a second home, especially in the summer time. Kids could splash all day long, parents could grab a snack shack burger and always see a friend or two from work, school or the neighborhood. I imagine many of us with school-aged kids have attended at least one or multiple school functions held at the club. It was comfortable there for these types of events: they were able to accommodate a big crowd and it was never too fancy or snobbish.

Those quaint days at the club may soon be a thing of the past but in all honesty, I was really blown away by how beautiful the new club will be. They are making many changes and I do think they will elevate the club into more of a destination place than just a mere convenience. From the look of the plan, there will be a real element of design to the grounds. It will be more modern in look and feel- lots of wood, clean lines, open areas. It seems like they are capitalizing on what an incredible piece of land they have right in the heart of our neighborhood. Making better use of the views and existing landscapes, just giving everything there a new look and feel.

They are hoping that the new vibe of the place will encourage more families to attend the club, not just for functions or to jump in the pool, but as a meeting place to socialize. A bocce ball court and huge expanse of grass is replacing one of the tennis courts with the hope that kids and adults will be able to have a bigger place to play. Club owners are hoping businessmen/women will invite clients to lunch or after dinner drinks. Why meet at a random bar or bustling Starbucks when the club is situated to be so much more sophisticated and pleasant?

So, I for one am really excited about the changes that will be made (slated to be done February, 2017). I know not everyone is a fan of change (or a dues increase) but I do think a club of this stature is a boon to our neighborhood and will go a long way to increase our property values as well as benefit our community as a whole.