Halloween Safety Tips
To a great percentage of our population, October just means one thing: Halloween! Every year, hundreds of neighborhood kids and their families head out the door to trick-or-treat up and down our streets. Let’s just take a moment to remember some halloween safety tips, whether you’re accompanying your little ones or passing out candy from home.
1. Ditch the masks and use make up instead- It’s hard to see sometimes from those small eye holes of a mask so it’s a better plan to use make up if a ‘face’ is required for a costume.
2. Replace candles in pumpkins for lights- Nothing beats the spooky glow of a real candle but a safer choice would be to put tiny flashlights inside your carved pumpkins, instead.Not worth the risk of a costume catching fire on your front steps.
3.Watch the road- unfortunately, our streets aren’t blocked off for the holiday and the fact this year’s Halloween falls on a Saturday means it’ll probably be busier than in past years. Take extra caution when crossing the streets and, if you’re a driver, SLOW DOWN!
4.Use reflective tape- if you’re planning on going trick-or-treating after it gets dark, you can put small strips of reflective tape on your child’s costume to help make him/her more visible to drivers.
5. If you go out, turn your light off but if you’re home, leave it on to let trick-or-treaters know you are open for business.
Hope everyone has a very safe, extremely fun and a Happy Halloween!