Cheviot Hills was home to, amongst other fine spectator sports, the exciting world of … whippet racing?
From a Los Angeles Times article that dates to 1927, it was reported that early Cheviot Hills developer Frans Nelson donated the fine silver cup to be awarded to the owner of Southern California’s fastest whippet. In the article, the brand new neighborhood of Cheviot Hills was described as a “… tract located between the Rancho, Hillcrest and California country clubs and the Palomar Tennis Club.”
Thousands of spectators were expected to witness the exciting race at which 18 of the state’s fastest dogs were scheduled to run and whose owners were described as, “… famous motion pictures stars and sportsmen who have enthusiastically taken up whippet racing.”
The course set before the spindly dogs began at real estate developer Frans Nelson’s home. And speaking of homes, it appears as though it was as desirable to live in Cheviot Hills back in the 1920s as it is today. The Los Angeles Times boasted, “Although Cheviot Hills has been developed only a short time, 80 percent of the property has been sold and already 71 homes, ranging in value from $10,000 to $50,000, have been erected.”
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