What’s the smartest strategy get your home sold quickly and efficiently in ten easy steps? We’ve already covered steps 1-4: You’ve priced it well, gotten it staged, fixed small problems and skipped inspections. Today we’re covering the fifth step so that is good news! You are already half way to a successful home sale!
#5: It’s show easy:
One of the most important roles you have as a home seller is to make your property easy to show. Often times, potential buyers need to see a house without a lot of notice. This can be tough on a seller but it’s a crucial element to getting your home seen by as many interested parties as possible. One way to make a house easy to show is to declutter and simplify your furnishings (which you have already done in previous steps) thereby making tidying up a lot less daunting. Of course, a trustworthy broker never would send potential buyers to your property unaccompanied and it’s easy to explain away a little mess here and there (please- I understand what it’s like to have a house on the market with small children. Even decluttered, it’s next to impossible to keep clean and show-worthy!)
But it’s important to remember that every time a seller says: “No, sorry, it’s just not a good time for me right now- the house is a mess and I don’t feel ready!” A realtor hears: “I don’t really want to sell my house too much after all.”
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